Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Curriculum For Excellence Has On Teacher Professionalism Education Essay

The Curriculum For Excellence Has On Teacher Professionalism Education Essay The existence of a relationship between curriculum policy and teacher professionalism would appear to be an established assumption. This is evident in claims that curriculum reform is often regarded as a threat to teacher professionalism (Al-Hinei 2003; Apple 2009; Locke et al. 2005). Most notably, it is often claimed that the level of prescription in the English National Curriculum, with the associated requirement to meet the prescribed outcomes, reflects a reduction of teacher autonomy in favour of accountability (Walsh 2006). It would seem, at this level then, possible to argue that a reduction in central prescription equates to an increase in teacher autonomy which in turn equates to an enhancement of teacher professionalism. To an extent this would seem to be an aim of recent curriculum reform in Scotland in the form of the Curriculum for Excellence (CfE). The first page of the first Building the Curriculum document that claims that teachers will have greater scope and space for professional decisions about what and how they should teach (Scottish Executive 2006:1). However, such a straightforward relationship between curriculum policy and teacher professionalism would, drawing on Evans (2008), be an over-simplification. Evans suggests that professionalism cannot be understood exclusively, through examining teachers remit and responsibilities (p.23), and rather we must consider teachers themselves understand their professional responsibilities. To an extent this would seem to be recognised in Scotlands curriculum reform, in for example claims that the reform requires a culture change (Scottish Government 2009a:5) and the emphasis on the need for professional development (Scottish Executive 2006:2). This suggests recognition that a change of teachers remit and responsibilities alone will not impact upon professionalism. In light of the perceived association between CfE and teacher professionalism both as representing being and requiring a change it becomes pertinent to consider the nature of the professional judgements that greater teacher autonomy over the content of the curriculum entails, and therefore the conception of professionalism it would seem to imply. This requires a consideration of the particular issues that are associated with the selection of curriculum content, and an examination of different conceptions of teacher professionalism. Curriculum First therefore, we must consider what is meant by curriculum. As a term it would seem to be notoriously hard to define, with a multitude of potentially conflicting definitions (Dillon 2009). Generally it can be suggested that curriculum does not refer to a list, or progression, of items to be taught. The curriculum addresses not only what is taught, but why and how teaching and learning takes place. As such, curricula reflect and promote beliefs about the aims and nature of education (Flinders Thornton 2009:8). They reflect different epistemological and pedagogical beliefs beliefs about the nature of knowledge and learning and teaching in, for example, their organisation of knowledge (Carr 1988), for example those that emphasise the separation of knowledge into subjects and those that favour integration of subject areas. However it should perhaps be noted that Carr (1988) argues that the epistemological and pedagogical bases of much curriculum policy is not entirely coherent. It should also be noted that the current discussion is centred around the concept of explicit curriculum (REF-moore?), curriculum as a statement of the planned or expected learning within a school context. Other conceptions regard curriculum to encompass all the experiences which impact upon a learners development (REF-Dillon?). However, notwithstanding the range of approaches to understanding and creating curricula, curriculum design necessarily entails a selection of what is to be taught. Different curriculum models may differ in both when and by whom this process of selection takes place. In a heavily prescriptive, centralised, curriculum much of the selection is being made by policy makers. At the other extreme, in a strongly child-centred curriculum, selection is largely made by the child based upon their interests. (BACK THIS UP). If we consider the CfE itself, it is evident that it cannot be considered to be placing the decision of what to teach solely in the hands of teachers. Priestley (2010:23) suggests that it reflects a trend in curriculum development in general, in which there is an attempt to draw on both top-down and bottom-up approaches to curriculum planning. A process of selection has already occurred at the national level in terms of the forms of knowledge and skills that are to be develop ed. Even within this clear framework of national expectations (Scottish Executive 2006:1), teachers do not have sole responsibility for curriculum content selection. In the pledge, all children and young people should experience personalisation and choice (Scottish Government 2008:17), there is an expectation that pupils will, to a certain extent, also be making decisions about curriculum content. Further, there is a strong emphasis upon collegiality, with teachers working together on curriculum development (Scottish Government 2009). However it clearly does aim to place more responsibility for choice in the hands of the teacher, and in doing so is potentially affecting the nature of teacher professionalism. Professionalism In order to examine this claim more closely it is necessary to consider the meaning of professionalism itself. As with curriculum, it would seem that professionalism is a difficult term to define with many different views as to what it really means (Al-Hinei 2003:41; Evans 2008). Generally however, the term profession may be regarded as indicating a distinct class or category of occupation consisting of jobs such as doctor or lawyer, and sometimes teacher (Carr 2000:22), to which a certain status may be attached. This should be regarded as distinct from the everyday use of professional as distinguished from amateur which focuses on whether or not an individual is paid (REF-Carr?). The purpose of regarding some occupations as professions differs according to different perspectives. Some regard it as a socially constructed concept, suggesting it is a means of preserving power and status with a certain group of people (Locke et al. 2005:558). Carr (:) suggests it refers to those occupations that are required to maintain civil society (health, justice and education). Others suggest that there are certain defining characteristics which mark out an occupation as fulfilling the criterion for profession (Locke et al 2005:558; Christie 2003:845). Whilst this diversity of views exists, there does seem to be a general sense that those occupations that are classed as professions involve a level of autonomy to make decisions, a distinct knowledge base or expertise, and some form of care or service to society (Carr 2000; Christie 2003; Goodson 2003; Locke et al. 2005). Professionalism itself may be perhaps regarded as the way in which we describe a profession in terms of its characteristics in relation to these concepts (Goodson 2003:126). In essence professionalism is concerned with considering the level of autonomy afforded to individuals by an occupation and the nature of the professional knowledge or expertise involved. In this way, the assertion referred to earlier, that the English National Curriculum is considered as a process of de-professionalisation, may be regarded as a belief that the level of prescription involved is reducing teacher autonomy and changing the nature of the expertise required to do the job. As such, the distinct characteristics of teaching are more narrowly defined. Carr (2000:15) refers to such a reduced autonomy and knowledge base as restricted professionalism. It is suggested that teaching is unique amongst the professions in terms of its balance between autonomy and accountability (Carr). As Locke et al (2005: 564) point out, there is a tension between professional autonomy and accountability. This unique accountability is related to the relationship between education and society. Education, or rather schooling, is essentially concerned with the kind of society we want to be (White 2004:2) and is often related to the economic health of a country (REF.). This is evident in the claim that the Curriculum for Excellence can play a significant role in achieving the Scottish Governments aim to make Scotland smarter, safer and stronger, wealthier and fairer, greener and healthier (Scottish Government 2008:3). It is from this notion of schooling as serving, and potentially shaping, society as a whole that it is suggested that schools and teachers are accountable in ways that other professions are not (Carr 2000:44). It is further suggested that teachers are also more accountable to parents and must accept the legitimacy of the views of non-professionals in a way that lawyers or doctors do not (Carr 2003:64). It may be as a result of this accountability to the state and parents that the dominant conception of teacher professionalism, in policy at least, has become that of the competent teacher with a focus on meeting prescribed standards. (Goodson 2003:127; Menter et al 2010:21). Viewing teacher professionalism in terms of standards is argued to potentially lead to a situation in which the professional knowledge base of teaching is purely related to practical skills, such as effective communication and the ability to manage behaviour (Goodson 2003:130). It is also argued that such a view of teacher professionalism can lead to unreflective application of rules (Hegarty 2000:456), rather than scrutinising and questioning policy and curricula. It would seem reasonable to associate a prescriptive curriculum with such a concept of teacher professionalism, as indeed Menter et al. (2010:22) do. This would however, seem an insufficient account of teacher professionalism to meet the requirements of a curriculum which gives teacher greater autonomy of what to teach. Therefore, through focussing on the specific issues which arise in relation to curriculum content selection, attention will be paid to models of professionalism which could perhaps be regarded as more appropriate. Two ideas will be addressed in relation to content selection. The first: the implications of regarding content selection as a pedagogical skill (REF) with teachers drawing on, for example, knowledge of child development. The second considers the implications of regarding curriculum as a selection of culture (Giroux 1980:228), pointing to content selection as having ethical implications. Curriculum Content Selection Viewing content selection as a pedagogical skill would perhaps reflect Whites (2004a:20) assertion that teachers expertise lies in deciding what specific aims and what pupil experiences best suit the particular children. In this case, teachers professional knowledge may be regarded as wider than that of practical skills, rather it involves drawing on pedagogical, subject specific knowledge and knowledge of child development, to select and order the content that makes up the curriculum (REF). The teacher is utilising their professional knowledge in order to make professional judgements as to the content which will move an individual to the next stage of development. Clearly this points to the need for some form of curriculum aims. As White (2004:6) points out, we cannot sensibly decide what to teach without reference to an aim, an indication as to what the next stage of development actually is. Applying such an understanding to the CfE, we can see that the overall curricular aims are set out in terms of the four capacities statements as to the type of person the curriculum seeks to develop (Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010). At a more detailed level, the experiences and outcomes describe the expectations for learning and progression for each of the eight curriculum areas (Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010). The teacher, then, would seem to have autonomy in choosing what they teach in order to achieve the expected learning. The need to make professional judgements of this nature would seem to point to a conception of a more enhanced professionalism than a more prescriptive curriculum, and may point to such models as the reflective teacher (Moore 2004:4). Such a model of professionalism is regarded as perceiving teaching as involving more than practical skills. Rather the teacher reflects upon their classroom practice, evaluating their teaching, perhaps drawing on their theoretical understanding with a view to improving and developing their teaching (Moore 2004). It could also relate to the concept of the enquiring teacher (Menter et al. 2010:23), in which teachers are regarded as researchers, drawing on observations in the classroom to inform their professional decisions in their planning. It is suggested that such a conception of the teacher is very apposite in the context of the Curriculum for Excellence (Menter et al. 2010:23), which seeks to give teachers greater autonomy in curriculum development. These models would certainly seem to extend the concept of teacher professionalism beyond that of the perceived technicism of the competent teacher. As such they may provide suitable models for teachers who are involved in the selection of curriculum content, placing an emphasis on teachers pedagogical expertise. However, if we turn to the second concept, an understanding of curriculum content as a selection of culture (Giroux 1980:228), understanding teacher professionalism in terms of pedagogical expertise may begin to seem inadequate. Culture, in its broadest sense, may be regarded as a whole way of life, encompassing all aspects of society including the knowledge, skills and activities, such as sport and recreation, of that society (Entwistle 1977:111). However, if we regard education as being, in some way, involved with betterment (Entwistle 1977:111), schooling cannot be concerned with all those things that make up a culture. Rather, Entwistle (1977:111), suggests that in schooling we select those aspects of culture which are regarded to be conducive to the improvement of the individual or group. This again points to a consideration of the aims of education: it is only through an awareness of what is regarded as betterment, and therefore, what we are aiming to achieve through education, that selection of content can sensibly be carried out (White 2004:6). Related to this, cultural selection clearly also implies a process of evaluation, distinguishing between those things which we regard as desirable or undesirable aspects of culture (Entwistle 1977:110). Therefore concerns about the selection of culture which makes up the content of a curriculum can perhaps be regarded as arising both in relation to the aims of the curriculum and in the evaluations of the relative desirability, or worth, of different cultural elements. Concerns that rise in relation to the aims of the curriculum are perhaps best exemplified by the criticisms of a curriculum whose aim is, for example to increase employability skills. Those who regard knowledge acquisition as having value in its own right would regard an instrumental approach to content selection as an impoverishment of education, limiting access to many forms of culture which may not have direct instrumental value (drawing on Carr et al. 2006:17). In this way then, we can see that the selection of content is in some way impacted upon by our beliefs about the purpose of education, and as such regarding selection of content as technical skill may be insufficient. However, it is perhaps in relation to the evaluation as to the relative worth of aspects of culture that the most complex issues arise. It is in considering the relationship between knowledge and power that cultural selection becomes problematic. This becomes evident when we draw on Bourdieus (1986:106) concept of cultural capital. Bourdieu (1986:106) suggests that different forms of culture are invested with value which can be drawn on for monetary gain, or an increase in social status. If we consider this in terms of knowledge as a form of culture, then acquisition of certain forms of knowledge by an individual can be utilised in generating income and increasing social status. For example, acquiring specific biological and medical knowledge can enable one to gain both the income and status conferred upon a doctor. However, it is not only the acquisition of the knowledge per se. which is valuable, but rather gaining institutional recognition in the form of an academic qualification of possessing a particular form of culture (Bourdieu 1986:110). In this sense, certain forms of knowledge, certain forms of culture, have greater value by virtue of being institutionalised in the form of a qualification (Bourdieu 1986:109). This would suggest therefore, that schools are involved in both the transfer of forms of culture which enable an individual to gain economic capital or social status, but also in some way define what forms of culture are of value. Such an assertion is supported by Girouxs (1980:228) argument that the culture that is selected to form the curriculum becomes legitimised by the very fact of its inclusion in the curriculum. This concept can further be seen in claims that the traditional academic curriculum is an elitist selection of culture, giving value to forms of knowledge associated with the middle class (REF!). It is the relative value that become associated with different forms of knowledge and different skills that forms part of what is termed hidden curriculum (Ref). This is a reference to the values and ideas that a school may not explicitly plan to teach, but which nevertheless are transmitted to pupils (REF). It is suggested therefore that the exclusion of an aspect of culture from the curriculum communicates to pupils a belief about the relative worth of this aspect of culture (REF..exemplify?) Moore (2004) provides an interesting illustration of this claim of elitism in cultural selection. Moore focuses on portrayals in film of teachers who are regarded as saviours and non-conformists (Moore 2004:58), such as Ms Johnson in the film Dangerous Minds. He argues that whilst the approach they take to education may be extraordinary, the content of that education is not. Moore (2004) contends that the cultural selection made by these teachers, of what he regards to be representative of middle class values, may be read as contributing to and confirming social and cultural biases (p.58) It is in this sense that Young (2006:734) argues that social interests are always involved in curriculum design, those with the power to select what is included in the curriculum have, to an extent, the power to legitimise certain forms of knowledge and certain practices. It is suggested that through this process of promoting and legitimising middle class culture (here we have the notion that a society consists of many cultures (ref)), schools are implicated in entrenching inequalities of social class (REF). Such a claim requires closer consideration in order to understand the means by which cultural selection may be regarded to be implicated in matters of social justice. One way in which it is suggested that this is the case is that individuals from a middle class background have greater access and exposure to the forms of knowledge that are regarded as valuable by schools (Reay 2006). In this way, Reay (2006) suggests, children from middle class backgrounds are at an advantage, able to draw on the cultural capital they already possess in order to perform well at schools, gaining institutionalised recognition through academic qualifications, and thus gain status in society. This would seem to highlight a tension for those involved in selecting the content of a curriculum. On the one hand, it is suggested that if schools do not provide the high status cultural capital that academic and economic success requires then children from working class backgrounds are potentially deprived of the ability to raise their social status (Anyon 2006:44). However in doing so, they are perhaps complicit in reproducing bias as to what is regarded as legitimate and valuable knowledge. It should be pointed out that this problematic account of knowledge and cultural selection does not suggest that knowledge is wrong or should not form the basis of a curriculum (Young 2006). Rather it suggests the need to consider the exact nature of the content we are choosing to include, and significantly exclude, from the curriculum. It suggests the need for reflection on our reasons for content selection, requiring an awareness of our own biases we bring to the process (Chan 2009:). From these observations, in which the selection of curriculum content is regarded as having social implications and is implicated in the transmission of values, an understanding of teacher professionalism which emphasises practical skills or even pedagogical knowledge perhaps begins to appear inadequate. Therefore the remainder of this essay will consider the notion that teaching is inherently ethical in its nature, and that teacher professionalism should therefore centre upon the moral characteristics of the profession (Goodson 2003; Campbell 2003; Carr 2006) Carr (2006:172) argues that whilst all occupations are in some way concerned with ethical issues, these generally play a regulative role they indicate standards for good practice. However he suggests that this is not the case with teaching, rather he suggests that ethical considerations are constitutive of teaching. This is perhaps more clear in Campbells (2007:604) assertion that: It is far more challenging to disentangle the ethics of teaching from the very process, practice and content of teachingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (CHECK CONTEXT) It would seem that what is meant by this is that the decisions and actions taken by a teacher have moral significance (drawing on Campbell 2003:1). By its very nature teaching is involved in forming childrens values and understanding of the world and as such is involved in transmitting conception as to what is right and wrong (REF). Further, as discussed earlier the decisions made potentially impact upon an individuals achievement in schooling and thus possibly affect their future prospects. Following from this concept that issues of ethics are inbuilt into teaching, Campbell (2008:605) argues that ethical codes are insufficient to address the issues faced by teachers. Rather she suggests that teachers requires an understanding by teachers of the complex moral issues they must address (Campbell 2008:605). It would seem that within the Scottish context there is recognition of this. The Standards for Initial Teacher Education in Scotland, which specify what is required of a student teacher (Christie 2003:847), includes reference to professional values and personal commitment (Christie 2003:848). There is a danger, Carr () suggests, in framing values as a competence or standard, in that it would seem to suggest that the other aspects of teaching are value-neutral. In this way, the ethical nature of teaching perhaps cannot be reduced to a competency or standard. Rather Carr (2006:178) suggests that it is about teachers taking moral issues and questions seriously. It should be noted that this does not suggest that teachers do not currently take moral and ethical considerations seriously, Campbell (2003:2) argues that many teachers are aware of the moral implications of their actions. However, Locke et al. (2005:570) do suggest that when teachers are subject to high levels of accountability it can lead teachers doing things right rather than doing the right thing. Potentially, therefore, the CfEs focus on greater autonomy could provide greater flexibility for teachers to make the decisions they regard to be ethically sound. At the same time, by increasing teachers scope for choosing what to teach the ethical nature of teaching perhaps comes even more to the fore. It would seem then, that in aiming to give teachers greater autonomy over the content of the curriculum, the CfE both can be viewed as potentially enhancing teachers professionalism as understood in terms of levels of autonomy. However, it also seems to require a consideration of the professional knowledge base on which professionalism is based. The importance of pedagogical expertise and development is clearly important and highlighted as so ( e.g. Scottish Government 2009:4). Yet, considering the complexity, and potentially value laden nature of the cultural selection involved in selecting curriculum content it would seem important to emphasise the ethical nature of teacher professionalism. In essence then, the greater autonomy afforded to teachers to select the content of the curriculum by the CfE would certainly seem, as Menter et al (2010:23) suggest, to point to a model of teacher professionalism in which teachers both reflect upon and develop their practice. However in light o f the essentially ethical issues involved in content selection, it would seem fair to suggest that teachers reflections and decisions should draw not only on theoretical and practical knowledge, but must also consider the ethical reasons for choosing to include, or not to include content in their teaching.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Better wear Sunscreen

It has been so hot nowadays, people are more cautious about their skin. Everyday is another dry and warm day. Why is this so? This is due to the reason of Global warming. No matter how much skin protection you are using it is still futile because the sun’s rays deeply penetrate inside your skin. As some people cut trees illegally, then the earth’s temperature will increase and increase each day. Large tracts of forests worldwide are now being cleared. Some are already cleared for industrial or agricultural purposes.The remaining trees may not be enough to absorb the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide is used by plants to manufacture food. It is also called a greenhouse gas. This kind of gas retains heat longer compared to other gases. Surface temperature rises as more trees and plants are cut or destroyed. The resulting high surface temperature due to the accumulation of the carbon dioxide is referred to as the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acts like the glass in a greenhouse. It traps heat from the environment. It causes air temperature to rise.The glass of the greenhouse prevents warm air from escaping. The air temperature inside the greenhouse rises as a result. This would lead to global warming (â€Å"Global Warming†. Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge). Moreover, global warming pertains to an increase of the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans in these present days. During the 20th century, the atmospheric temperature of the earth increased 0. 6  ± 0. 2  °Celsius. The upsurge amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are the major causes of the component of warming.They are produced through the burning of agriculture, fossil fuels and land clearing and may precede to an upsurge in the greenhouse effect. There is an initial assumption that a greenhouse effect possibly takes place because of the Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius during 1897. In addition, climate sen sitivity denotes to the equilibrium response to upsurge greenhouse gases and different anthropogenic and â€Å"natural climate forcing†. This will be revealed through observational and model researches.The said sensitivity is generally showed through the temperature response that is anticipated â€Å"from a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere†. There is a report in 2001 from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that evaluates the climate sensitivity between the scales of 1. 5–4. 5  °C (Williams 159). The intents of this paper are to: (1) understand what global warming really is; (2) know about the historical warming of the earth; (3) figure out the causes of the global warming and; (4) find out the expected effects of global warming.Global warming is defined as â€Å"the increase of average world temperatures as a result of what is known as the greenhouse effect†. This would mean that it is an intense upsurge of world temperature which is the outcome of so- called greenhouse effect. There are many factors why the world is experiencing global warming. And one of these factors is the human activities like cutting down of trees that are supposedly be the one absorbing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.There are gases in the atmosphere that portray as glass in the greenhouse which permits sunlight to warm the surface of the earth but trap the heat when it â€Å"radiates back into space†. When the greenhouse gases formed in the atmosphere, the earth starts to get warmth. Nowadays, most countries experienced global warming. It is one the outcomes of people’s irresponsibility because humankind tends to destroy the forest by cutting the old trees and never replaces them. The graph below shows the global temperatures from 1860 to 2000. Moreover, the earth’s surface is warmed by the Sun and radiates heat back into space.Gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, methane and CFCs in the atmosphere tr ap some of this heat, and warm the lower atmosphere. The atmosphere radiates heat back to Earth. This is called the â€Å"greenhouse effect†, and without it the Earth would be so cold that life could not exist. But many scientist fear that the huge amounts of these â€Å"greenhouse gases† released into the atmosphere by industrial processes and burning fossil fuels are warming the earth so much that they will eventually upset the world’s climate, and cause sea levels to rise.In addition, some scientists predict that the earth’s temperature could rise 3  °C by 2070. After this, the rise will level off and the temperature will stabilize. If the Antarctic ice sheet melted, sea levels could rise; threatening low-lying areas such as the US coast (Johnston 457). During 1860-1900, global temperatures on seas and on lands had experienced great upsurge of temperature by 0. 75  °C as recorded in the instrument temperature record. Beginning in 1979, the land tem peratures had doubled which was the same as the ocean temperatures.And in that year, the temperatures below the troposphere had upsurge between 0. 12 and 0. 22  °C every 10 years as recoded in the satellite temperature measurements. It was believed before that world temperature was stable two thousand years in the past 1850 with the assumption that temperature was stable maybe because of the regional wavering like the Little Ice Age or Medieval Warm Period (â€Å"Global Warming†. New Standard Encyclopedia) There many causes why global warming is happening at present.These causes are generally or mostly based on man’s conduct. The causes why there is global warming because of the release of carbon dioxide from power plants, emitted cars, trucks, airplanes, buildings, methane, nitrous oxide, deforestation, city gridlock and carbon in atmosphere and ocean . Greenhouse gases are the gases that adds to the warmness to the Earth’s atmosphere like the Carbon Dioxide, ozone layer and the water vapor. The great effects of global warming to our environment and for humankind are plentiful and wide-ranging.The major effect of global warming is the upsurge global average temperature. It also leads to â€Å"rising sea levels, altered patterns of agriculture, increased extreme weather events, and the expansion of the range of tropical diseases†. The anticipated climate changes are also one of the effects of global warming. Not only that, it also affects the weather condition (Williams 159). Global warming has great effects to our environment especially to humankind. Global warming has many factors why it is occurring. One of these reasons is deforestation.Deforestation makes our environment warmth because of the remaining small amount of trees that are unable to absorb the large amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and because of this; carbon dioxide traps the heat in the environment that causes the temperature to rise because it stops war m air to escape. Global warming is a gradual phenomenon that greatly affects the earth and the people living in it. It slowly destroys the earth and some people do not even care about it. In due time, all of human beings will reap the outcome of their doings and what the greenhouse effect has done to the Earth.This research is important for it serves as an eye opener for us to be aware of what is happening in our environment now, so that we could take actions for it. We should have precautionary measures so as to protect ourselves. If global warming will continue to worsen and be exacerbated it will really cause great damage to the people and to the society. The government should then impose a serious and big punishment for those who illegally cut trees to protect any illegal logging that great contributes to the global warming.References: â€Å"Causes of Global Warming†. http://www. ecobridge. org/content/g_cse. htm â€Å"Global Warming†. New Standard Encyclopedia. Vo l. 7 â€Å"Global Warming†. Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge. Vol. 8 â€Å"Temperature record of the past 1000 years†. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. December 30, 2007. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Temperature_record_of_the_past_1000_years Williams, Brian. â€Å"Planet Earth†. Visual Factfinder, page 159. Johnston, R. J. Environmental Problems: Nature, Economy and State. London: Belhaven, 2000.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Who Is Lying to Us About Discursive Essay Topics Int 2?

Who Is Lying to Us About Discursive Essay Topics Int 2? It is possible to say what your own opinion is, if you've got a strong perspective. The argument, however, refutes one particular opinion in the long run. A complete argument As mentioned before, it does not have to be formal. One of the primary arguments for mobile phones is they can be essential in emergencies. The introductory paragraph should present a brief explanation of the issue statement. The examiner will soon realize that you don't have reasonable expertise, and thus you don't have clear opinions. The thesis generally is made up of 3 parts, including the 3 vital parts of evidence which support your argument. Advertisements are an effort to brainwash customers. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. The next paragraph ought to be again much like paragraph two, arguing against the subject. The bulk of the essay ought to be in your on words! Go over each essay question in one paragraph. There are usually two main kinds of discursive essays you ought to know to have the ability to differentiate between them. If there's a single thing that's for sure, it is you maynot compose a wonderful book if you don't have a writing guide, popularly called the outline. There are those who're convinced that experience indicates that a sloppily presented essay is probably to be sloppily argued. There's a probability that you might have run into a discursive essay assignment but had no concept it falls under the respective category. The author is supposed to provide an extremely robust and strong proof to back up his argument. In summary, author's opinion ought to be distinctly summarized. Each argument ought to be discussed separately in individual paragraphs. Whether it's an argumentative or expository essay which you're writing, it is essential to develop a clear thesis statement and an obvious sound reasoning. It is essential that the thesis statement ought to be slimmed down to be able to stick to the guidelines of the given writing exercise. The thesis statement can likewise be perceived as a brief solution to the essay question. If you're still unsure about your introduction, our essay editors would like to provide you with some feedback. You might also see concept essays. The essays will provide you with a thought of what things to expect on the English placement test. Learn how to write English essays with no hestitation. For instance, the voice expressed in the essay ought to be calm and the tone ought to be as balanced as possible. Finally, the conclusion should present a very clear overview of the author's viewpoint. Keep reading, and you'll discover how to compose a conclusion for a discursive essay.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Chinese Philosophy From The Spring And Autumn And Warring...

Chinese philosophy originates in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States eras. This was during the period known as â€Å"Hundred Schools of Thought.† â€Å"Regional rulers of the Spring and Autumn period enhanced their ability to obtain natural resources, to recruit men for their armies, and to oversee conquered areas.† (pg. 165) Researchers started to help the rulers and because of that, the rulers began perceiving the researchers comprehension of punishment, ritual, astronomy, medicine, and divination. There were a few distinct methods of insight that emerged in Ancient China amid this time period. Be that as it may, there were three noteworthy methods of insight that were absolutely critical: legalism, taoism and confucianism. Confucius was a researcher who served in government positions. He realized that the legislature was doing as well as could be expected, on the other hand, he likewise realized that war was among them. Consequently, Confucius was resolved to lo cate an illuminated ruler. He had confidence in family and that family was the establishment of a moral society. Confucius set up any of the real rules for Chinese thought and activity: regard for the declarations of researchers, duty to expansive instruction, and preparing for all who were exceedingly astute and willing to work. (pg. 164) Due to Confucius being solid willed, he put forward new ethics focusing on ceremonies, obligation and dedication to family and the ideal of good character. Confucianism wasShow MoreRelatedEssay about China2005 Words   |  9 PagesIn coinciding with the difficult landscapes in which they live, the Chinese people have managed to generally abide by the natural protocols of the land. Throughout their approximately five thousand years of civilization the Chinese have concocted many traditions which are based upon their thriving in their environment. 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The origins of mystical TaoismRead MoreKingdoms Rise And Fall And Out Of Their Ashes Come New Kingdoms1855 Words   |  8 Pageswere born of such patterns, and it all began 1.7 million years ago.1 Archaeologists from modern times found the remains of the early hominid species Homo erectus in Yunnan Province, which was called Peking man. Peking man could walk upright, create fire, and possessed the ability to make stone tools, but it wasn’t until 2183 BCE that the vestiges of China truly began to emerge. The Yellow River, the cradle of the Chinese civilization, flooded regularly, and King Shun appointed his minister Yu to rectifyRead MoreBranches of Philosophy8343 Words   |  34 PagesBranches of philosophy The following branches are the main areas of study: †¢ Metaphysics investigates the nature of being and the world. Traditional branches are cosmology and ontology. †¢ Epistemology is concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge, and whether knowledge is possible. Among its central concerns has been the challenge posed by skepticism and the relationships between truth, belief, and justification. †¢ Ethics, or moral philosophy, is concerned with questions of howRead MoreCountry Note Book of China17054 Words   |  69 Pagescultural and national history. The Chinese people have shared a common culture longer than any other group on Earth. The Chinese writing system, for example, dates back almost 4,000 years. The imperial dynastic system of government, which continued for centuries, was established as early as 221 BC. Although specific dynasties were overturned, the dynastic system survived. China was even ruled at times by foreign invaders, such as the Mongols during the Yuan Dynasty, from AD 1279 to 1368, and the ManchusRead MoreLenin13422 Words   |  54 PagesRussian SFSR from 1917, and then concurrently as Premier of the Soviet Union from 1922, until his death. Politically a Marxist, his theoretical contributions to Marxist thought are known as Leninism, which coupled with Marxian economic theory have collectively come to be known as Marxism–Leninism. Born to a wealthy middle-class family in Simbirsk, Lenin gained an interest in revolutionary leftist politics following the execution of his brother in 1887. Briefly attending the Kazan State UniversityRead MoreThe Birth of Civilization18947 Words   |  76 Pages1 The Birth of Civilization Mohenjo-Daro Figure. Scholars believe this limestone statue from about 2500 B.C.E. depicts a king or a priest from Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus valley in present-day Pakistan. Does this figure seem to emphasize the features of a particular person or the attributes of a particular role? Hear the Audio for Chapter 1 at CRAIMC01_xxxii-031hr2.qxp 2/17/11 3:22 PM Page xxxii EARLY HUMANS AND THEIR CULTURE page 1 WHY IS â€Å"culture† considered a defining